Glory of Hatha Yoga By Swami Sivananda Saraswati of Haridwar India
O Brother! attain good health. Without health how can you live? Without health how can you earn? Without health how can you succeed? Possess the health through Hatha, Unite the Ha with Tha, Unite the moon with the sun, Unite the Prana with Apana, Drink the nectar at Sahasrara, And live in the Immortal abode. Hatha and Raja are inseparable, Where Hatha ends Raja Yoga begins. Hatha Yoga prepares you For Nirvikalpa Samadhi. No Hatha Yoga, no success, No Hatha Yoga, no Samadhi. No Hatha Yoga, no health. No Hatha Yoga, no Veerya. No Hatha Yoga, no beauty. No Hatha Yoga, no long life. Salute Ganapathi before you begin. Practise Sirsh, the King of Asanas And remove all diseases. Develop thyroid through Sarvang And digest food through Paschimottan. Mayur can digest even poison. Ardha Matsyendra can make the spine elastic. Bhujang, Salab and Dhanur Can give you a good motion And eradicate constipation. Preserve Veerya through Sirsh-Sarvang And avoid wet-dreams. Re...